A few weeks ago I made a pretty good find/deal at a thrift shop, I found a complete Plustek 8100 scanner, with all the accessories – hell even the Silverfast software with a serial number – and the bag it normally comes with. And I paid only 30 Dkr for it, that’s around $4.50.
Of course, I didn’t know if it was working or not, but it looked almost brand new, and at that price tag, I was willing to take a chance. I got home, fired it up, and lucky me it was working like it should.

Is it any good
Ohh yes, in deed. I already have the 8200i and the 120 scanner from Plustek, so I know the brand quite well, and I love and use the two I got a lot.
The 8100 is a “cheaper” version of the 8200i, with the only difference – that I could find – being the infrared feature for removing dust.
I must admit the dust removable feature is greatly missed, but maybe if you never tried it, you won’t miss it that much.
Read more on Plustek’s website – click here
Photo quality
Well, it doesn’t get much better than this. But take a look for yourself in the gallery below.
The photos are scanned on the Plustek, but they are converted in Negative Lab Pro, read more about that here

The Looks
The Quality
The Handling
The Price
The Output
In short!
This is a great scanner, even with the lack of a dust removal feature
- Top of the line photo output
- Great build quality
- Easy to use
- Manual feed
- No dust removal
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Med to skannere kan du sætte dem begge til at skanne samtidig.
Du skal bruge to skannerprogrammer dog. Det er SVJV ikke muligt at have to instances af for eksempel Vuescan, med to skannere kørende samtidig.
På den måde kan du virkelig sætte fart på din skanning.
Og ingen IR kanal/støv fjern er fint til sort hvid eller dias, da der er ubrugeligt på de typer film.
Hi Helge
Ja, jeg er også ret sikker på at man ikke kan køre to gange Vuescan. Kunne ellers være meget fedt.
Og ja IR på SH og Dias er ligegyldig, Men jeg er nu glad for det til mine farve negativer.