Another event on Twitter this March, was the #camerachallenge, as if the other events wasn’t enough I choose to do this one as well 🙂
The challenge was to shoot a film that was more the 5 years old – or the older the better – the challenge is hosted by Jason Avery and varies from challenge to challenge.
I shoot two rolls of 120 film for the challenge, a Kodak Tri-X PAN (expired: September 1978) and an Ilford HP4 (expired: August 1980), both rolls shoot with a Yashica MAT LM.
They both came out OK, unfortunately I didn’t have enough developer in the HP4 tank – thought I had enough for two tanks, but it turned out I didn’t :/ – when I developed it, which gave the photos a black line on the right side.
I use Kodak Tmax developer for both films, socking them in it for 8 minutes.
But take a look below, and see for yourself.
Ilford HP4

Kodak Tri-X PAN

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