I ended up using 3 films for my Expired film day photos
- Gevapan 33 – Expired 1966 – ISO 250 shooting it at ISO 16
- Kodak Ektar 1000 – Expired 1994 – ISO 1000 shooting it at ISO 250
- Kodak Ektrapress Multi – Expired Unknown – ISO 640 shooting it at ISO 400
Really looking forward to seeing the results from the Ektar 1000 film, Wish that there still was made high ISO color film.
Camera used is a Pentax Spotmatic for the Ektrapress, a Chinon CE-4 for the Ektar 1000, and last but not least a Yashica MAT LM for the 120 Gevapan 33.
Now I just hope for some nice weather, today – which was day 1 of the expired film 3 days run – was all rain and greyish.

I’m also experimenting with a DSLR digitizing setup, it’s still in the early stage and I’m nowhere near a final solution. But I still like to share a few pictures of it.

Here are a few results from the setup. Raw without any kind of post process, just converted from negative to positive with Negative Lab Pro.

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