I went to a flea market today, I’ve been there once before, almost a year ago, and then I found some really nice stuff, so it was about time to get down there again, and have a look around.
And yet again I found a few cameras that I couldn’t live without.
- Yashica FX-7 – I got another Yashica SLR, and I want to try out some of their SLR’s to see if they are any good. And this one came at a good price.
- Konica Autoreflex T4 – Have one SLR from Konica, but it doesn’t work. So a reasonable price, a brand that I want to check out, and a 50mm f1.7 lens it was all it took for me to get hooked.
- Kodak Brownie Hawkeye – wanted one of these for a long time now, and this one came for free, when I bought the Konica and the Kodak No A-127 and that’s a very nice deal.
- Kodak No A-127 – vest pocket autographic – Never see one of these before, it uses 127 film and was produced from 1915 to 1926. And it still had a film in it… so I just couldn’t resist.
They are all in working condition – even the lightmeter in the two SLR’s are working – and now I’m just looking forward to adding some film and take them out for a spin.

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