My second , was this exact F70, I bought it somewhere around 2001/2002, It was my go to camera for many years, well it was my only camera for a lot of years.
I had it with me everywhere, it’s been with me on a trips to Russia, Bulgaria and Rome, when I was visiting family and friends I brought it along.
I think it was with this camera my passion for photography really started, I did some photography with my Minolta XG2, but it was the F70 that really kick started it. And especially my trip to Saint Petersburg in 2002, because film and development in Russia at the time was so cheap that I think I shoot a roll of film a day, when I was there.

The camera is from the mid nineties, it has a decent build quality and auto focus. The auto focus comes in really handy when your starting out, and needs to focus – pun intended – on other things than getting a sharp photo, or at least it did for me.

I really tried to learn the rules of photography, when I got this camera, but I was never any good with notes. So my notebook ended up with only having info from the first few photos on a roll of film. And because of that I never really learned about the ISO / Shutter speed / Aperture link, with this camera.
I still made some great photos with it, and some of them, I still like today. Most of the photos in the gallery below, are from Russia & Bulgaria back in 2002.

And because I never learned the ground rules of photography, I always had it on auto, I’m not saying that there is anything bad about that. I surly wouldn’t have made any photos, worth keeping back then if it hadn’t been for auto mode and focus.

Actually I didn’t learn about the rules of photography, before I bought my very first digital camera in 2006, where I could see the result right away, and adjust ISO, Shutter speed or Aperture accordingly in the field.
NB my first digital camera was a Nikon D70s, the digital sibling to my analog F70.

Useful links

  • The Looks
  • The Quality
  • The Handling
  • The Price
  • The Output

In short!

It was my second SLR a real work horse, still using it today


  • Reliable
  • Auto mode
  • Auto focus


  • None really.

Photo Gallery

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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  1. Lee October 6, 2024
    • Bo47 October 6, 2024

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