The though struck me one day, and I realized that I wasn’t sure what the exact different is. Because it’s not like the don’t have a , and you can also point and shoot with a viewfinder camera.

I looked around the internet for an answer, but didn’t really find any. So I turned to the always amazing film community on Twitter.

Here a few people said that the difference between the two, are that a Point and Shoot camera is all automatic and a viewfinder camera have some manual options. And that really made sense to me.

Here’s my conclusion.

A point and shoot camera is a camera that is full automatic, with auto focus or a focus free lens. Some might not even have the option to turn of the flash. It’s a camera that you pick up, turn on and then it’s ready to shoot. Like an Mju II, AF35M II or a Z2X.

A viewfinder camera has some manual options, like manual focus (could be zone-focus) and maybe even the option to set shutter speed and aperture. Like a Voigtländer Vito B, Retina 1B or a Minoltina – P


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